Search results layout in new version 4.8



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    Hassan3 (Edited )


    After so many years of the same layout, any change will take some getting used to. The new results include much more info than before and we tried to keep things as compact as possible. Have you tried making the text smaller using the keys Control and - or Shift + mousewheel?

    The new search has features you won't find anywhere else. Please give it a chance and play around with the "Find similar" feature, and you'll see that I mean.

    Thanks for your feedback. We are not done improving the search engine and all feedback is welcome.


    Update: The default font size has been lowered to 13px. I hope it's better now.




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    phillmakin1 (Edited )

    I reduced the text size and it helped a little. It just seems like you could make the content box collapsed and have a button to expand it if needed.

    As an example I just did a search on Schitt's Creek and the new episodes have the content box but the older episodes don't have a content box and it just looks so much cleaner and easier to read. (which btw have already been locked out due to DRM, oh well) I do like some of the new features like 300 results & sort function. 

    I've been using BinTube since 2011 and have always liked (mostly love) it enough to keep using it and I know you're just trying to make improvements. Thanks for the quick response and I'll give it a chance.

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    An option to only display subjects has been added. You might need to refresh the page to see it.


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    I find the new search difficult to use, but I'll give some time. My main problem is that while it downloads an nzb file, I get an error message when loading that into newsleecher. Looking at the nzbfile in a text editor, I can't see any problems with it. Thanks

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    > I find the new search difficult to use, but I'll give some time.

    Please give more details as to how how it's more difficult.

    > I get an error message when loading that into newsleecher.

    What does the error message say?

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    Error: Skipping part of / or whole import of nzb file.

    Reason: It seems like the nzb file contains errors.
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    Would it be possible to have an option to use the old-style search function?

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    > I get an error message when loading that into newsleecher.

    Just tried opening a BinTube search generated NZB with Newsleecher 8.0 Beta 4 (latest version) and did not see any errors. 

    > Would it be possible to have an option to use the old-style search function?

    If by old-style search you mean only searching post subjects, then yes it's possible. Simply start your search with sub: or subject:

    You can read more about this by clicking the little question mark next to the search box.

    You can also reduce the amount of information displayed by selecting "Compact" from the result filtering options.

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    To be very, very truthful, this new app stinks!!  If you would post a download of the old app, it would be appreciated.

    Examples:  search for "audio books" gets groupings of movies (for pete's sake!!!!!) with the word "audio" in it somewhere, I guess.  Hate groupings.  Want to search without having to learn a whole new app!  I liked the old one, which is why I subscribed.  If I have to learn a new one, it will be from another company.

    I wanted to change to another area but find I can't even find out which one I'm logged into now: Europe, USA, or General, let alone change areas.  Come on guys: if you want to rip everything apart, send a manual.  I'm 82 years of age and I'm not going to spend the rest of my life trying to figure this pile of crap out.  Thank you for understanding that I am more than a bit upset.


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    You can make the new search look and behave almost identical to the old one:

    Simply switch the layout from "Details" to "Compact" using the green button labeled "Details". Note that the button has a small eye picture on it and only appears after performing a search.

    The old engine searches on post subjects only. The new engine searches subjects, file names and info files. This is much much better. The down side is that if search terms are too general, the results will be general too. So it's best to start your search with more terms, then gradually eliminate one term at a time to widen the scope as needed. It can also be very helpful to use phrase searches. There are multi-term searches surrounded by quotation marks as appropriate.

    All that being said, It is possible to replicate the old search engine and restrict searches to the post subject:

    Simply enter the word sub: or subject: followed by your query. 



    Example searches with and without the sub: prefix



    For more search tips click on the little question mark next to the search box. 



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    I'm slowly getting accustomed to the new interface.

    I don't think this is peculiar to the new interface but it's always been a frustration for me.  Is there any way to search with an explicit hyphen?  For example, if I want to search for ABC-011 the hyphen seems to be replaced with a space and I get results for ABC or 011.  Any advice?

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    Sure, just surround your text with double quotes: "ABC-011"

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    I tried that but it didn't seem to work.  I tried "ABC-" and there were no results even though I know there were results to be found.  I also tried "ABC-"*...  I'll keep working on it to see what I'm doing wrong.  Thanks.

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